Athletics of To-Day for Women

144 Athletics of To-day for Women for speed on one day, and to build up stamina the next, with this proviso-that warm days should be selected for speed work if possible. In quart r mile running the shoulders, arms, and body play an important part; ach day, therefore, body building and shoulder exercises should be practised, and there should be chest and br athing exercises also. Each day's training should commence with starting practice, with the pistol whenever possible, so that I need not mention starts again in the training schedule I am going to off r as a basis upon which you must plan your own training system. The following schedule i the basis for training aft r the preliminary period of preparation, lasting from six week to two months, is finished: 440 YARDS First Week of Final Training MoNDAY.-30 yards half speed twice; 20 yards three– quart r speed once; 150 y rds once, striding and breath– ing as for sprinters. TUESDAY AND WEDNES AY.-Th same as l\Iond y. Tn R Y.-30 yards half sp ed twice; 25 yards three- uart. r peed nee ; 50 y rds full speed once ; 200 y rds half p ed once. -i RIDAY.- est. TURDAY.-20 yards half speed twice; 300 yards, to be run as follows: 220 yards thr e-quarter speed, 8o yards five-eighths spe d. econd Week ame s h dule as ftr t w k, but substitute a full speed I50 yards time tri 1, with pistol, \ atch, an fini hing tape, on \V dnesday. On aturday ub titute 440 yar s, running 340 yard at five- ighths speed and the final roo y rds at top pe d. Third Week k, ,' pt W dn . day and aturday. E DAY. -25 ·ar 1 thr -quarter . p d twic . •ull d tim tri 1 at 220 yar .