Athletics of To-Day for Women
400 Metres to I,ooo Metres 145 SATURDAY.-30 yards three-quarter speed twice; 400 yards time trial. Fourth Week MoNDAY.-30 yards half speed twice; 25 yards seven-eighths speed twice; 500 yards run as follows: Full sprint for first 8o yards, stride 350 yards at three-quarter speed, sprint final70 yards. TuESDAY.-50 yards half speed once; 8o yard full spe d one ; IOO yards five-eighths speed once. Worsted should be stretched between winning posts at nd of this I oo yards, and the girl should go all out over the la t 70 yards. All speed starts in fourth week should be with the pistol. NoTE.-The athlete is tor member that although one item follows after another in the chedule there must be a rest p riod between ach in actual practice. I£ the competition is to take place on the aturday of the fourth week, work should finish on Tu sday, but short, bri k walks may be taken if the girl f els at all n r ous of going out of training, or is worrying about the forthcoming contest. In the week aft r the first race, drop work on Monday and do light work-outs on Tuesday and W dn sday. not c mp te upon the following aturday, but have a stiff work-out on the Friday. ecrease th work in training as your fitn ss grow and pay mor att ntion to te hniqu than to str nuous striding runs. Boo METRES, 88o YARDS, AND I,ooo METRES For b st part of half a dozen years Mi sE. F. Trick y (Picture 82), of ngland, rul d a undisputed world' chan1pion at distances from oo to I,ooo m tre . he did not tak part in th three Monte Carlo meeting . uring that peri d, I92I- 23, Mll . Br ard ( icture I1), who w n for Fran e again t England at the first m eting between those countrie in 1921, w in a class by herself a a distanc runn r. At th int r– national m tch r f rred to, Mll . r r l b at Mll . Petit nd Miss ourtney, England, very asily at I, oo m tres in 3 mins.
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