Athletics of To-Day for Women
- - - ---- -- - r 52 Athletics of To-day for Women standard of r,ooo metres running. National records vary from the world's best performance by Mi s Trickey, r at Britain, of 3 mins. 8} secs., to the American record of Lucille Godbold of 3 1nins. r ~- sec ., and an examination of all the available national records gives us a world's standard of approximately 3 mins. r6 secs. No attempt should be made to run r,ooo metres, which, on a quarter mile track, comprises two whole laps and 213 yards, with a sensational first lap, an idle second one, and a startling sprint finish. On the other hand the absolutely level time ambition of the greatest n1il rs is not what we must aim at. The opening quarter mile is bound to be a bit faster than the second, because of the commencing sprint to get the pole position. Thereafter judgment of pace is the all-important consideration for the r,ooo metres runner. The following table is given not only as an aid to learning speed appreciation but as a suggestion for your actual racing schedule: 440 y ard in 88o yards in I,OOO fei.r s in I (I,093 yards) - mins. se s. mins. s. mi ns . "' s. 30 I -5 ! 5<1 3 30 ( 1 zs! ) (I -8~ ) (36) 3 25 I 24 2 so 3 25 (r 24) (I -6) (35) 3 20 I 20 2 43 3 2 ( I -0 ) (I 23 ) (37 ) 3 r6 I IC) 2 41 3 16 (I 1 ) ( I 2- ) (3 s) Thes figur s should b us d only to start with; s e.·p ri ne is gained, ach girl should try to work out a level schedule to suit her own requirements. After you hav learn d to a ess pace as a whole you must set about discovering what is your own best spe d, for that is the pace which you should try to carry through the body of the rac . Tactics in this race are much th same as those d crib d already forth h If mil , but you should lead throughout only
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