Athletics of To-Day for Women
Hurdling They should only be clenched into fists when you are over the last hurclle and printing for the winning post. In Picture 97 the straight chop down of the leading leg has commenced, and the body i rising back to the true printing angle, after a light and permissible body dip. Note how the right arm is ropping in c ncert with the 1 £t leg chop down and th 1 ft arm ri ing as the right 1 g i lifted up and knee-out over the hurdl , but note al o that th knee does not ri e bove the le el of the hip, since the hip bone is rotat d in its socket to enable the movement thus to be performed. th r points of inter t are that throughout the cl arance action shown in the e three pictures Ruth Beck r has kept h r chin alway in advance of the knee of the leading 1 g, and h r hould rs absolutely quare to the direction of her run. v n m re important, perhaps, is the fact that, having nothing higher than a 2 ft. 6 in. fence to n gotiate, he has allowed her elf a full six inches safety margin in clearanc . Picture 9 h w th two 1 ading girl in almo t perfect " fir t stri c aft r cl arance " po ition . In b th a es, howev r, the right arm action i bad ; thi arm must b h ld in readin to aid the fir t trid .forward, being manage as shown by uth ecker. If it i allow d to fly wide a hown in Picture there is an xtra and unnece sary movement required to bring it back to aid in th running action. The " foot-do -to-hurdle " landing i exc ll nt, as also the straight foot pla ing and th high pick up action of the knee of the right leg coming through for the fir t stride. ody and head poise are remarkably good in both case . Th girl with ~~ hicag " on her br a t i H lcn ~ilk y, the Am rican girl-w nd r who in I -5, and at I7 y ar f g , m de' orl 's r or marks in th I o yard 4 lat, ong Jump, and 6o yard urdl , running the lat t r di tanc in i 1 - cc . In Igz h t th U. . . ational o n1 trc Hur r cord at rz 3 secs. Tl girl n Mi 1 ilk y' l ft hand i hows a sail 1 nding whi h i bvi u ly ad, sim ly b ause it mu t be r alis d that ne an n1ake bett. r tim wh n running on the
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