Athletics of To-Day for Women

Hurdling a fr swing. This is not accompani d by pointing th toes, which must be dir c1. d upwards s that the I t remains at right angles to the shin bone (Pictur 95). uring this action of the left (1 ading) leg the rear knee is rai ed sideways so that the leg forms thr e right angle . The first right angle is between the body and the thigh, the second between the thigh and the lower 1 g, and the third between the lower 1 g and th foot, the toes of which should point dir tly to the sid , the inner ankle bone being pointed towards the ground, as partly shown in Picture 6. her ar 1 g i thrown over the hurdle in a circular movement and then brought forward until the whole limb is in front of the hurdler with the lower leg hanging with the h el directly beneath the knee, a shown by Helen Filkey in Picture 9 . From the position indicat d, the right leg is stretched out to complete a full strid . The left foot lan fir t, and if a prop r stride is managed the right foot will, of course, land on- iderably in advanc of th left. Throughout the action the body hould hol a slight 1 an, P rhaps a littl mor pronounced than that u din sprinting, until the chop down action of the 1 ading leg is brought into play, and th arm must be carri d with but the slight st variation from printing action. The id a of th chop down is to g t you to gr und a uickly as pos ibl aft r you hav cl r th hur 1 , imply b c us you tr v 1 fast r on the ground than in th air. Th ne.·t on i ration i striding. he tart of the rac is m de from th rou h start .·actly s d rib d already in th chapter on sprintin 0 ( hapt r in ). ut you must g t up t the corr et printin rr angl mor qui kly than o s th g nuin sprint r, who n d some tw nty-fi to thirty yard for h r rise, b caus th re is a sprint of only thirteen yard fr 1n th scratch lin t the fir t flight of hurdl s. Ruth ker tal off exactly fiv f et in front f the hurdle. That 1 aves a fraction over lev n yards in whi h you must ontri to g t into your running b for you ri e to th fir t f ne . This is tr mendously important, b c us