Athletics of To-Day for Women
- - -:=-=.=-_.,- r68 Athletics of To-day for Women FINAL MONTH OF TRAINING First Week MoNDAY.-2 Hurdles half speed twice for style; 3 Hurdles three-quarter speed once for speed; roo yards flat half speed once. TUESDAY.-No Hurdling; 200 yards fiat half speed once. WEDNESDAY.-3 Hurdles half speed three times for style; 4 Hurdles three-quarter speed twice for speed; roo yards fiat seven-eighths sp ed once. THURSDAY.-No Hurdling; rro yards fiat three-quarter speed once. FRIDAY.-Rest. SATURDAY.-3 Hurdles five-eighths speed twice for style; 8o metres over 8 flights once at less than half speed for style and to teach you to hold the stride. Second Week MoNDAY.-2 Hurdles half speed once; 8o metres over 8 hurdles once ; this practi to be carried out by two girls working together. They should stride slowly and level with one another between flights, but should compete as to which can get quick st to ground over each flight. This is special training for quick hurdle clearance. Swing through rso yards on th flat slowly, breaking now and then from the hurdler's swinging gait to sprint action for 8 or ro yards. TUESDAY.-No Hurdling.; roo yards flat three-quarter speed once ; 12 yards out of starting holes from Crouch start at seven-eighths speed three times. WEDNESDAY.-8o m tr s over 8 flights once, exactly as advised for Monday; 6 Hurdles three-quarter speed twice; 93 yards on the flat, striding 20 yards and sprinting ro yards alt rnately, but finish final ro yards at full speed. THURSDAY.-roo yards three-quarter sp ed once, with full sprint over last 12 yards. FRIDAY.-Rest.
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