Athletics of To-Day for Women
Hurdling SATURDAY.-80 metres over 8 Hurdles three-quarter speed once; 2 Hurdle seven-eighths speed once; 8o metres over 8 Hurdles once as advised for Monday and \Vednesday ; but the two girls should race for the tape after landing from eighth hurdle clearance. Third Week MoNDAY.-2 Hurdles three-quarter speed twice; 4 Hurdl s seven-eighths speed, and top pressur finish through worsted stretch d between winning posts, finish all out and concentrate on run in; IIO yards half speed on flat, with easy triding. TUESDAY.-No Hurdling; o metres flat. print for first I2 yards, then ease to swinging hurdler's gait and sprint the last I2 yards, going all out through wor ted stretched between posts. Work pace up gradually to final burst. WEDNESDAY.-2 Hurdles half sp ed twice, correct faults; 3 Hurdles sev n- ighths speed twice; 2 Hurdles half sp ed twice. orr et any faults revealed in previous practice at seven-eighth p d. THURSDAY.- o Hurdling; low, light jog of ISO yards to ea e muscl s. No exercis s and no starting practic . RIDAY.-R t. SATURDAY.-4 Hurdles half sp ed once; 2 Hurdles sev n– eighths speed twice. Time trial of o metres over 8 flights, to b carried out with pistol start, two time keeper , worsted tretched between post . Ask starter to ob rve your start and fir t hurdle clearance form, po t observ r at half di tance to watch your mid-race form, and another observer to watch your final hurdle cl arance and finishing form. Fifteen minut s r st. Thr e Hurdles once or twic , as necessary, at half or e-quarter speed to correct any faults which may have b en obscrv din the trial. F ottrth Week MONDAY.-5 Hurdles half speed twice, with a fri nd to observe faults which must be carefully correct d ; roo yards flat three-quarter speed once.
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