Athletics of To-Day for Women

Relay Racing 175 therefore be the least likely of your team to be discouraged by having to attempt to make up lost ground. hould you 1 arn that your opponents intend to run their team in the rever e order of ability, starting the wor t girl first and the best girl la t, then you can straight away make up your mind. ive the fir t l g to the second best girl, put the slowest girl second, your third b t runner third, and trust to your best runner to achieve victory in the final leg. In any ea e this order will give you the be t balanced ide, and will ups t your opponents if they are going to use the reverse order of merit plan. What I have said applie principally to race in which each r lay is of qual di tance. Wh r Medl y Relay are c n– e rn d the distanc s ar pre-arrang d, but in the ea e of a relay of ay 200, roo, 200 and roo yard , you have still the problem to olve of how to place your runner . In ividually, th first thing the girl relay runner mu t learn is to hit her own pac and hold it. This requires pace judg– ment and an unconqu rable d termination to run at the best speed you know you can maintain. If you are le ding you cannot afford to slack; not only are th re other runner to sue d you, but th baton exchange ha to be eff t d. If th change over is muff d, y u may, almo t in a fraction f a s c nd, lo all the advant g y u have uilt up. If you h ve tak n ov r th b t nand, with it, th task of cha ing a girl wh has got away w ll in front of you, you mu t still run tru to f rm. It thrill the " gallery," no doubt, t see girl tart the pursuit at t rrific p d, but the applau e will quickly give pl ce to the sil nee of di appr val wh n sh ha hot her bolt an hand n to h r ucce or an ven wors d fici ncy than he to k ov r. You ar b und t out-p ce your lf if you try to natch back a lo t 1 ad with t gr at bur t t b gin with. L t th girl in th lead have h rh d, but try t w ar herd wn in th i tanc that you nd h hav b th t run. Th t n, a alr ady tat d, may p d anywh r within th limit of a tw nty yard z n . Th thing t aim at i th ff ting of th x hange in uch a way that neith r girl