Athletics of To-Day for Women
Relay Racing 1 77 feature of the former's running is preserv d, while Mis Edwards is well under way with head and yes to the front, and shoulders practically square with the direction of her run. Picture 104 shows Miss Edward in possession of the baton, and well into her running. The actual process of exchanging the baton is shown excellently in Pictures 106 and 107. Note that Miss Thompson has come right up to Miss Edwards for the change over, and is not relinquishing her grip until she is perfectly sure that her team-fellow has taken a secur hold; al o that sh is finishing out her running right up on her toe , and is pres rving the correct forward body lean. It will of course be obvious that Miss Edwards gained a considerable advantage by b ing able, through her companion's good deli ery, to start a straight ahead run, without having eith r t look back for the baton or to ~~ f el for it." Th se points are further mpha ise in Pictur 104, where Mi s Edwards is off ; Ro e homp on is asing up, still on h r to s, but ticking to her own straight ah ad run, which will sav h r obstructing any oth r runn r coming up from the rear. Th same str ight foil w on i w ll shown in ictur ros, but that pictur i also not worthy for the way in which the Latvijas porta girl in whit i taking o er with direct stretch ehind, and the Latvju Jaunatn girl on th in ide is using h r rms to aid her sprint running. Not that sh has alr ady h nged th baton from th right h nd, in which sh r c iv d it, to the l ft hand, with which h will pa it on. This runn r's print form i simply pl ndid. Th r i dir et traction in marked d gr , compl t dri from th ry toes of th left foot, and a go d pick up of the right kn and pl nty of body l an. Opinions cliff r as to th n1ann r in \ hich th baton shoul pass d and r ceived. Th t nd rd m th d shown in th accompanying icture 102 to 107 usually n ces itate th in oming runner I aning forward on her la t tride, with arm at full tretch, and the baton gr sp d by the lower end, whil the outgoing runner ha th right hand tretch d full back n down at an angle of 45° and the han rev rsed. This
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