Athletics of To-Day for Women
Walking Picture 112 (front leg lock). Pictures 110 and 112 show the manner in which the grounded leg is kept stiff and taut as the other leg swings loosely through for the next stride. A brief survey of the e three pictures in compari on with the other pictures of running, and even hurdling, in this volume will show how mu h mor the stiff-legged walker must punish her elf than does the loo e-muscled runner. tride strain has b en mentioned, but that doe not po tulat an altog ther insuperable ob tacle to taking up thi sport, since mo t of that strain is felt during the novic period, becau e the h el– and-to walker, who know h r job, will tride no more than her acquired natural! ngth wh n trav lling at speed. If a girl, by the examination of her footprint upon the track, finds that she is cov ring more ground than he can step out at full stretch with both f ton th gr und, then h may be perfectly ur that he i lifting or tr tting and is th r fore walking unfairly. ace walking, b yond oubt r argument, all for a top train ffort all the way, an it is a strain upon mu cle, n rv , and in w, and mind a well, until the technique ha b come second natur , which no runner is called upon to with tand. The walk r' progr i mad by mean of a eri s of forced and forceful j rks; a the grounded 1 g tak the whol w ight of th body, plu th train of propul ion, upon the stiff column of the straight, 1 ck d-kne limb, th oth r leg wings freely through, whil th arm driv , 1 o e hip play, and swaying shoulders all contribute to the ffort. TRAINING Th training must be for pac r th r than di tan , and to this end bending and tr tching ,·erci , kipping, and dumb– ll ex rcises, to build up th arm and hould r , mu tall play their part in the walker' training. The bending n irctching x rcises are r comm nd d b eau e loo en ss and fr dom of v ry part of the bo y i e s ntial. 'or th r t, h rp fre -striding walk shoul be tak n, to follow f st w lking pr tic on th tr ck, but th tr ining
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