Athletics of To-Day for Women
PART THREE-Field Events H I ;R F UR1 N THROWING THE J A ELIN ENGLISH athletic history has :1 quaint trick of repeating itself, an it is certainly a significant fact that during the first ten year of hampionship c n1petition both English m n and ngli h women ha maint ine world-wid upr ma y in both track and fi ld v nt ; but, aft r that p riod, and when the athletes of ther nation ha , it wer , b gun to f l their f t, we find the ritish track p rforn1 r going on to fre h triumphs, and the others lagging b hind. ur track athletes, of both sex s, continue to hold their own through the march of inter– national athletic progr ss, but ur m n ha alr dy r ached an our girls ar b ginning t d lin t v ard th most humble f positi ns in practically all th fi ld v nt . In this onn ction it m y b t ted that wh n ja elin throwing v as first introdu d into r at rit in, just prior to th Olym ic am s of r o , \ m n mer ly juggled\ ith th long sp ar, ur rud f£ rts being ntir ly dire t d by the light of natur . h candinavi ns, howev r, qui kly proved to us that the corr et m thod of throwing wa t grip th pear by th whip-cor binding which i pl d on th h ft about th ntr of gra it.y. I hav h ard it t t d by at 1 t n throwing hampion that th orth d . tyl of thr wing i not suitabl f r \ m n, b c u e th r r m difi ations in a \ om n's p toral and houlder mu cl s \ hich prevent her from applying h r full pov er, a a m n can do his, when th jav lin is thrown by th middl grip. I am boun t y th t I do not agr with the pr t gonist f \ h t 187
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