Athletics of To-Day for Women

Throwing the Javelin Picture rrg, of Fraulein Wittmann, Germany, who shows, however, two faults in that she has allowed the point of the javelin to rise too high and should not have extended the left arm so straight to the front; otherwise her form is very good. In Picture 120 the Polish girl, Halinaa Konopacka, is seen in the act of commencing the throw, but, had she been throwing with the full speed run, the twist of the shoulders from right to left would have commenced a fraction of a second b for th left foot reached the ground. Note the way she has th ind x finger dispos d under the shaft to keep the point of the javelin from tipping up and also the cross-body balance of her left arm. Pictures 123 and 124 how th finish of two full spee throws. Picture 123 is of Fr··ulein Jacob, of Charlottenburg, who, in 1929, threw r25 ft. 6 ins., and thus beat Fraul in Hargus, of Lubeck, in th rman hampionship, the latter throwing 124 ft. 6 ins. In i ture 24 Fraul in Hargus, th world's record hold r, is en putting all her pow rs into th throw of I2I ft. r in., t which dist ne sh won th v nt in th 1929 international m t h b tw en reat Britain and ermany. Fraulein Jac b is n in th background looking on. Thes two pictur s of p rf et finish s should studi d v ry car fully. It is inter sting t not , in p ing, th tin rg2 th b st throw made by an ngli h girl\ as und r 9 ft., wh r as in ermany rauleins leis h r nd Ja ob both b at 125~ ft., Hargus did a f ot 1 ss, and thirty girl in all b at ror ft. At first you must thr w but lightly, and without much sp ed in your run. ut as pr fici ncy nd t adines improv you may increase th sp d of your run an th str ngth f your throw. Always ru straight ah d nd mak all your movements in th sam dir ction. If you br al t th left in making the throw (Pictur 122) the j v lin will drift sideways in flight, and mu h di tanc will b lo t, inc ll throw r m asur d p rp ndicularly to the cratch lin , or the scratch line produc d. M anwhil you must be thinking of stabli hing your approach n1n. Most men like from twenty-five to thirty yards 0