Athletics of To-Day for Women

CHAPTER FIFTEEN THROWING THE DISCUS THE women's discus weighs r kilogran1me, or 2'2 lb., and its largest dimen ion compri s circle not 1 s than r8 centi– metres (7 ins.) in diam t r. Th edg is round d to a true circle by means of a smooth metal rim. In international contests only the best hand is used nowadays. Throwing takes place from a circle 2'5 metres (8 ft. 2! ins.) in diameter, and all throw , to count, must fall within a goo sector mark d upon the ground. The competitor must neither st p upon the circle nor touch the ground outside it with any part of her body, once she has entered the circle to throw. When she has made her throw she must, from a standing po ition, leave the circl by the rear half, after the di cus has come to ground. The throw is measur d from the point where the discus first strikes the ground to the inside of th cir umf rence of the circl along a line from the point of impact to the centre of th circl . The first thing the novic must learn is how to h ld the discus and how to control it. Th natural tendency is to grip the implement by the dge; in point of f et thi is impossible. The discus must b supported under the hand with its rim r ting against the joints nearest to the tips of th fingers of the best hand. or the s ke of uniformity and clearness of de cription, w will a ume through– out thi chapt r, that th throw is to be made with the right hand. In this case the discus is held a hown in •ig. 24, supp rted on the Fie. ·I top joint of th fu gers. ot t at the ind x and middle 203