Athletics of To-Day for Women

210 Athletics of To-day for Women ~~ on the toes " drive that is shown in the Konopacka and R ut r pictures, and her throw has lost something in power by the dropping of the left shoulder. But had Miss irchenough received the coaching the foreign girls have been given I fancy that they would have found her extraordinarily hard to beat, and they may yet do so. In Pictures 132 to 135 the walk-like attitude of the legs is noteworthy, because, when that position i shown, it is perfectly certain that a good throw must result . Picture 137 i of Mile. Vellu, who in 1927 er ated a French record of rrs ft. 3 2 ins. he shows, howev r, the non– recommended jump turn and finish, in which both f et are off the ground at the same time, so that little right 1 g thrust and no 1 ft 1 g resi tance can be introduced into the delivery. Fraulein Flei cher (seen in Picture 13 ) headed the list of erman girl discus throwers in rgzg with a throw of 124 ft. 6 ins., and incid ntally twenty-four rman girls di better than roo ft. that year, and th est five beat rzo ft., whereas the Engli h championship was won at an inch over roo ft. Fraulein Fleischer in Picture 13 portrays a perfect follow through finish after the discus has left th hand. The whole attitud hows the dos r lationship in action b tw n a golf drive and a discus throw, and hould b clo ly imitated by the read r. On featur to not p cially is the manner in whi h th toes of th 1 ft foot ar pointing in th dir ction f the flight of the discu . :JThe cornrnenc ment of the break up action, with th right leg b ginning to come through to the front in th revers which land th right foot at 3 ( ig. 25), is hown by I inuye Hitomi ( icture 139) and Halinaa Konopack ( icture 140). Th r istanc of th tiff 1 ft l g i till holding the throw r in eh k, and the 1 ft should r has be n k pt up to h lp to maintain th body balanc . Th y r very properly fo1lowing th flight of th discus, and the whole ppearance of a y r laxation aft r ffort is xc ll nt in th case of Konopac a, but Hitomi is wrongly llowing her hips to come ba k_through a forward dy b n l b v th \ aisL