Athletics of To-Day for Women

212 Athletics of To-day for Women swings, but preferred the cross body swing, with, conse– quently, a much lower discus elevation at the instant of starting the turn. These pictures, however, reveal the fact that there are two arm waves in the throwing action and during the cro sing of the circle in the turn. The first wave commences from the di cus high point, just when the turn begins on the 1 ft foot, and the wave ( nd discu ) reaches its low point ( ~ig. 29) ju t as the right foot is about to be placed down across the line of direction. On the right foot spin (Fig. 30) the right hand rise again to its high point and starts the s cond downwards and upwards arm wave. The low point in the second wave i reached as the left foot tak s the ground (Fig. 32) and the wave ri e once more to its high point in the delivery shown in ~ ig. 33· A slightly more complete and forceful follow through is shown in Fig. 34· In the actual deliv ry f the discus every part of the body :hould be at full str tch, with the left leg and side w 11 tiff n d, left hould r up a high a the right, and th right should r pres d up and after i.h di cus to support the throw. The wri t hould be turn d in a fini hing flick to aid the fing rs in giving the di cus it final v locity. Here are some of the point a di cus thrower should remember: (1) Turn smoothly, almo t as if you w r w ltzing; nev r jump round, and n v r have both feet off th ground at the same time, exc pt in hifting from the I ft foot to the right in the revers , which corn s after the discus has left the hand. (z) Try to get the di cus away from th hand o that it mounts into the air slightly tilt d to the right, th n fli s flat for awhil , b for finally tipping over to the I ft as it corn– m ne to f 11 toward th groun . (3) The arms hould hang loo ly out from the body during the turn. (4) I p th di cu w 11 und r th han with th upp r surfac r ting against th palm '"n wri t. (S) Complete the throw by ho king th arm across the h t