Athletics of To-Day for Women
CHAPTER SIXTEEN PUTTING THE SHOT THE shot used in women's competitions is an iron or brass shell filled with lead and spherical in shap . The weight of it is not less than 4 kilogramm s ( lb. I oz.). Putting takes place from a circle measuring not more than 2 metres 35 centi– metres (7 ft.) inside diameter. The putting area may be enclosed in a circle made of band iron or st 1, wood, or rope, the sides, if iron or steel is used, being 6 millim tr s ("235 in.) thick by 76 millimetres (3 ins.) high. If rop is us d it should be 25 millimetr s (I in.) in dian1 t r; if wool it should b 76 millim tr s (3 in .) thick by 50 millimetr s (2 in .) high. A stop board i plac d at th front dg f th circl m a uring not 1 ss in 1 ngth than I m tr 22 ntim tr s (4ft.), IIS milli– metr s (4~ ins.) in width, and roo millim tr s (4 ins.) in height. All puts, to count, n1ust fall within a 0 t r m rked upon th ground. In int rnational coni sts now day comp tition is with the b st h nd only, but th 1 -f shion d typ f omp tition is still all \ d, in which th b t put with eh h nd w s t k n m d th tw m asur m nts a d tog th r to form an ggr gat r ult, and r ords forth h o-hand aggr gat r still a cept d. Up t I 2 1 o th 5 ka . shot w s in u abroad and th 8lb. sh t in th Engli h- p king countri s. Tho wer th r cogni d weight f r int rn tional u , but in Am rica th lb. shot also wa us d, Mi s Perkins, U..A., holding the world's r cord of 43 ft. 7 in . Oth r world's r cords prior to I 2 wer h ld by V. Morri , ~ ranee ( ictur I57), lb., b st h nd, 37 ft., two-h n aggr g t , ft. IO~ in . ; 5 kgs., b st hand, Mejzlikova I, z cho- lovaki , 26 ft. II ins. ; 214
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