Athletics of To-Day for Women

218 Athletics of To-day for Women square to the front the right arm shoots out followed by the shoulder (Picture 148), and the missile is delivered with a final wrist and fingers flick. The hand, shoulder, and eyes follow the flight of the shot, while the left leg resistance main– tains the walk-like posture (Picture 149). When we come to the actual details, such as the p ition to be taken up by the athlete upon entering the circle, we again find ourselves faced with two alternatives. But, first , X: AM£~1CAN STYLE FIG. 35 zl SCANOINAVlAN STVLE. FIG. 36 we will deal with one style only. Look at Fig. 35 to begin with. Trac it off and have it b ide you as you tudy the following instructi n . ~ or purpo of pr ctice draw a lin thr ugh the circl fr In b ck to ir nt t indi at the dir cti n in which it is int nd d t put th hot and al as a gui e f r y ur foot– work. Then mark places in the circle wh re th feet should fall. ictur s rso and ISI r comm nd d Am rican style t rting position, which orr p n with ~ ig. 35- diagram of footwork. Mi db ld, how v r, put with the right hand and Mi s Me onald witl the left ; both how the