Athletics of To-Day for Women

220 Athletics of To-day for Women forward glid across the circl , wh r as Mm . Morri has her leading leg straight and locked at the knee. The difference in the two actions is that Fraulein P rkaus is able to land with her right foot at Rz (Fig. 35 or 36) with the rear knee bent and the left leg still raised, as shown by Mile. Kobielska, of Poland, in Picture 159, whereas Mme. Morris will land with both feet reaching the ground together, as shown by her country– woman, Mile. Vellu, in Picture r6z. Mile. Kobielska shows the ideal right foot landing at Rz in Picture 159. The legs are well eparated, the body is well back, elbow directly in rear of shot, left arm controlling the balance, right knee bent, and left 1 g well raised with knee flexed. It is obvious that the right foot will land at Rz (Fig. 35 or 36) a fraction of a second before the left foot is planted down hard at Lz. This is exactly the way in which this stage of the forward glide should be managed. As the right foot comes to ground the right knee bends still more and the shoulders are drawn further back and round to the right. Care must be taken, however, that th hand holding the shot does not pass behind an imaginary line dropped p rpendicularly from that hand to the right foot. The athlete is now ready for the sharp twist of the shoulders from right to left which tarts the actual putting action as th left foot takes the ground at Lz. The action at the instant the left foot is put down at Lz is well shown by ~ lsa v ns on, the wedish record hold r, in icture r6r. Both f t are firmly plant d, the knees are still b nt, and the 1 ft arm is aiding the twist of th hould rs from right to 1 ft. he shows, how ver, one bad fault, in that the right lbow has been allowed to drop and i no long r directly b hind the shot, as it should be. Pictur 163 of Fraulein J ungkunz shows fin cone ntration in the straight ning out of the legs' a tion, and it should be noted that th hand holding the hot do s not b gin to pas its own shoulder until th right 1 g has almost completed its drive and th should r are squar d to the front. Ob erve how th 1 ft hould r i k pt on a 1 v 1 with the right, and how