Athletics of To-Day for Women
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN THE RuNNING LoNG JuMP THE difference between the powers of men and women in jumping is, at pre nt, simply normous. This is most quickly demonstrated by m ans of a table of the pres nt world's records: •VE. ' T. I L. t. ins. Slanding .) 9-k IighJump unning II. 1. sb rn, 6 5 31~ High Jump u. .A. Standing R. Ewry, I T IIolli lay, 8 5-flr LongJump U. .A. Gt. ritain *Running j H.deiiari.IIub- 25 IOA I\:. I Jitomi, TC) II-fo- ~ ngJump bard .S. . .T<lr :l n And yet, d spite th a p r ntly gr t di er pancy, I h v a fancy that it is in the jumps th t woman will most n rly approximate to man' tandard as th ye rs go by. or example, 20 ft. wa not r ached in the Long Jump during the first five years at the A. .A. (M n' ) Championships, whil th men's High Jump titl of r 6g wa won at 5 ft. 2 ins., and at 5 ft. 4 ins. in r872; nor wa 6 ft. cl ar d ntil eleven year of male championships had come round. Women, on the other hand, have added nearly 6 ft. to their Long Jump and thr e– quarters of a foot to their High Jump record in the spac f • It is report d that amongst th m n athlet s E. . Hamm, U..A., has cleared 25 ft. IIl in , and S. ator, Haiti, 2 ft., and that of th w m n long jumpers . Ilitomi, Japan, has rai d her own 'orld's re ord to 20ft. 2t in . But thes records now await accep nee. 226
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