Athletics of To-Day for Women

The Running Long Jump ten years. What such girls as Ethel Catherwood, Canada (Picture 203), Marjorie Clark, outh Africa (Picture I6), Phyllis Green, Gr at ritain (Picture I99), and C. A. Gisolf, Holland (Picture I 8), have achieved in the High Jump has been done by sh er spring alone, for I have seen but one girl \vho got anything approaching a r al lay-out, while a fifteen– year-old schoolgirl, Mary Milne, ha cl ared 5 ft. Long Jump progress has been the more rapid, simply because girls have taken to the right method from very nearly their first entry into this particular event. There is, also, a special reason why worn n compare more favourably with men in the Long Jump than they do in the High Jump. It is in r lation to the run-up. Even the greatest of the men long jumpers do not use an approach run exceeding forty yard , but it is known that a sprint r is never travelling at the top of his spee until he has run b tw en forty-five and fifty yards, while a gr at woman jump r, like Mr . Comell, who holds the British recor of I ft. II~ ins., tak ju t about th same run as the av rage man and thereby gain a big advantage, b eau e it is known, al o, that a woman sprinter reaches her best peed at about thirty-five or forty yards from the start. The point at issue is, of cour e, that a long jumper hould be running at his, or h r, maximum peed when the pring is made from the take-off board. vVh r fore, it follow that of a man and a woman, both using an approach run of forty yards, the woman is trav lling at the greater comparative sp ed at the mom nt of take-off and hould, therefore, jump the gr ater comparativ distanc , as, in point of fact, I think h dos. Th re can be n argument, incic.l ntally, a to which i the pr per way f 1 ng jumping; alth ugh th r may b , and, inde d, is, con id rabl mystery a t why p r on introducing a running st p in mid-air into th volution of long jumping . hould b abl t jump furth r than ::moth r p r on who imply Y th rs the body and limbs t g th r and sail through th air aft r th spring h s n mad fr 111 th t ke-off b rd. cientists will t ll you that nothing y u may do after you have