Athletics of To-Day for Women

2 3 6 Athletics of To-day for Women training; you may get height that way, but it will spoil the hang of your take-off leg. Remember to put down a check mark from twenty-one feet to twenty-three feet short of the take-off board, and, when you pass that check mark on your run to the board, loosen your body and run the rest of the distance on your speed, and during the last two yards do not try to influence your speed in any way. And the last essentials of the approach run: be at full speed at the time you make your spring, and have your body inclined well forward over the take-off leg at an angle of 75°, which is the true sprinting and take-off angle (but not the angle of flight), and get your observer to watch you and constantly check this angle, at which your body should be inclined when you stamp your foot down for the spring. To get the take-off, the heel of the jumping foot should be put down just behind the board, so that the sol spikes can get a good grip of the wood. Do not forget that in all forms of jumping where the spring corn s from one foot only, the heel must be put down first. The weight of the body is then transf rr d to the toes of the jumping foot with a strong ankling action, and the pring i made from a fully straightened– out leg. unning and jumping ability should b developed separately but simultaneously. As soon as you ar sur th t you can hold your top speed for twenty-five yards, with perfectly regular and ccurate triding, you will b ready to work out the xact distance of your stand rd run-up. Meanwhile, you should b building up corr et jumping tyle from an approach run to th jump f not more than fifteen or ixteen yard . o not forg t th advic t put spong rubb rs in the heels of your sho ; and you will r quir , in ach shoe, two spikes in the h el and six in th 1 . Th two t p-m t sol spikes should b s t well f rward und r the t s to aid your printing and your spring. H r ar orn faults t guard against : (r) un-up not right. f too hort your p d will not be