Athletics of To-Day for Women

The Standing Jumps jumper. The rules as r gards lifting or shifting the f et are the same in both cases, but it is best to avoid toe and heel liftings. Some jumpers I have seen seem to gather themselves for the spring, even as a cat doe , and crouch right down until the seat is almo t touching the heel , in which case the arms are spread wide behind the body and the head and eyes are turn d upwards and to the sid , watching the bar. Apart fron1 the starting position, which i alway with the body turned sid ways to the bar and the take-off foot furthest away frmn it, the first e ntial is to acquir the ability to drive the body up into the air with a perfectly smooth action. One fault to avoid like the plague is the very natural temptation to lean too much in toward the bar as you make your spring. High kicking mu t play a big part in the standing high jumper's training, b eau e upon your ability to kick high depends your succ s in throwing the body well upwards by the strength of th free l g kick. That leg i , as it were, your lifting agent, which is further aided by the upward swing of th arms. In the po ition from which the spring i made you stand with your sid turned to the bar nd ju t so far from it that when you place your hand on your hip the tip of your bent lbow will just touch the cros bar. The feet are a little apart, and the h nd ar tr tch cl, loosely, straight above the h a pr paratory t the jump. he ann ar n xt swung m: n and back, the body in lined fon rd fr m th wai t, an l the kn b nt t th xtent that suits the particular individual. The upward leg drive and spring mu t not be start d until th arm have pa ed the side on th upward swing fr n1 their extr mer r po ition. Th jumping l g hould b allowe to hang until the foot of th fre leg has g n to it gr at - l kick-h ight, and during th ri th b y hould e k pt w 11 upright. When th fr 1 g, which i n ar . t the bar, ha b gun t d end from it highest point th jumping l g i kicl up strongly ssible, an th body i either turned a little towards the bar, r th nt.i l hip, that of th 1 g whi h pa d fir t ov r