Athletics of To-Day for Women
25 2 Athletics of To-day for Women foot, when put down in the take-off position, points along the line GH so that it i at an angle of 45° to the line of the cross bar; but, in landing at E, it points along the line EF and so finishes the jump at right angles to the bar. GK is the vertical di tance from take-off position to line of bar, and EH the vertical distance from bar line to landing position, while GE is the di tance covered from take-off to landing, which should certainly not be more than 8 ft. Great importance attach s to th rpendicular EF an K , which occur in th diagram in consideration, for the dos r the e p rp ndiculars can be brought tog ther in actual practice, the better will be the jump accompli hed, because th quicker you turn above th bar the nearer will the left foot landing p rp ndicular E ~ move to the take-off p rpendicul r I . Wh n you are practising the High Jump hav a copy of the diagram with you and also a tape measure. Watch your take-off and landing marks and check your form by actual measurements. Ther is yet another variation of the sid ways scis ors jump, in which both legs in turn ar carried stiff across th bar, ach 1 g, in turn, a i ting by a loose hang, whil the working 1 g is ompl t ly stiff n d. This action is accom– panied by a pronoun d forward body b nd and careful, 1 w arm balanc . I hav tak n two right-foot jump rs to illu trat this particular typ of jumping. In i tur 202 Fraulein B ckstein, ermany, is s n rising to the bar with body well forward; h r fr e left 1 g i thrust w 11 acros th bar and p rfectly straight, with ven the to s pointed, while th right (jumping) leg, although rising of its own volition, is still hanging loo ely. In Pictur 200 Mary 1ilne, Great Brit in, the world's young t international athl te, has completed the I ft leg work and that limb is now hanging I o , while th right (jumping) I g i b ing tr nuou ly tiff n d in the action of lifting th limb a a whole ov r the lath. This is not a bad method, but, still, it is ertainly not o good as the turn and lay-out method previou ly de crib d; th main bjection to it is that the forward bend f the body
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