Athletics of To-Day for Women

The Running High Jump 2 53 tends to force the seat and under side of the thigh down on to the bar. I have never yet seen the Vlestern Roll, whereby the men's world's record wa raised to th c los al height of 6 ft. 8 in ., u ed by a woman jumper, but there is no arthly r ason why it should not be, for the style i , comparatively, a simple on , once the necessary confidence has been gained to enable the girl to let her head go down to the line of her body, which mu t lie out parallel to the cross bar. \Vhen a girl, who has plenty of natural spring, do s essay this tyle I fancy there will be some surprises. S - nd Pd , ,, of C~YJJJ 8tv·... A good d al bout thi jumping may be gathered from th tudy he fundam ntal liff rence b tw n thi styl i that the pring z' made from the foot neare t to the bar. Th dir et appr h run 1 Imp ibl , and the 1 ft-f ot d jumper ppr <eh from th left. and th right-fo tcd jum1 r from the ri hL In a h a th ngl twe n th lin of approach an the ]in of th bnr i on f 45°, an l th parall 1 f tal· -off