Athletics of To-Day for Women
The Running High Jump 255 the force of this kick which lifts the heavy, central parts of the body up to the level of the bar. The world's record holder, however, lifted the knee first, as seen in Fig. 50. In concert with this right leg kick the left arm i thrown up. Then the left 1 g is snapped close up to the right (Fig. 5r), both being kept straight if po ible. The left arm is dropped over the bar (Fig. 52), above which the jumper's body lay out perfectly flat on its side ( ig. 53). The roll is now accompli hed by kicking the left h el back and the right leg forward. On the fall, however, the left 1 g catches up and pas es the right, and the jumper land on her hands and left foot, at point F (Fig. 4 ), so that he is facing back directly toward the original line of her approach run. FIG. n Point to re1nember in u ing thi tyl foot should cross the b r fir t of any p anatomy, and she houl not turn tow r spring i m a . h turn t ward th mid-air. Th an
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