Athletics of To-Day for Women

General Training progress to the highe t point of phy ical achievement at a given time is the object in view, and this object will be best achieved by balancing the periods of rest and exercise, which hould be regular, and so de igned that a little more is taken in than the amount that is given out each day. Remember this : a girl may be normally physically fit, and Y t fall far short of athletic fitne s, if her training has not been of the kind to enabl her to recoil et th en ations she ha experienced during the course of a long preparation. Another great a t in training i to be found in the willingne sofa girl to commit her career i.o a coach in who e judgment she ha ab olute faith. When that coach requir it, she must give all that she ha of athletic ability without a murmur; for one thing i certain, that th athlete who has never punished herself by making the big ffort in a training trial will not do so in competition. No coach should undertake the training of a girl unl ss she has been examined by a doctor, who is atisfi d t.hai. h is fitted for athletic training and comp tition. urther m dical inspections should follow in mid-training p ri d, ju t prior to competition, and again after th initial competition, b au e some girls, who stand up well und r training, find that th strain of doing xactly the same thing in comp titiv condi– tions is too much for th m. It is th a train of mental xcitement which turns th balance against thi particular type. If a girl appears to be off colour, or out of love with h r work, by all means give her a r t. If she i ment. lly stal keep her away from the track altog th r; otherwis k ph r off th track, but hav her with you, 1 t h r watch the ther girl at w rk, and .·plain to h r wh r th y r going right. and why t.h y r g ing wr ng. irl athl t r p n v ry quickly to kindly ncourag ment, and th tabli hm nt f a critical faculty i of normous value. y te ching a irl t criticise other th oach tablishes in h r th ability to find out the faults in h r own styl . ood is a v ry import nt c n id r t.i n. Mo t of the old– time notions are now .·plod d, and th mod rn t ndency is to