Athletics of To-Day for Women
r8 Athletics of To-day for Women (Pict.ur s rsr and r6 ) br kc the world's ind or recor in the Shot Put with a put of 39 it. 3~ ins.; Jean hilcy (Picture rg ), in the Running High Jump, cleared the bar at 5 ft. 3~ ins., which was better than the previous world's record, either indoors or out; while ath rine Donovan, by returning 8 secs., set up a new U .S.A. indoor record for the so yards Hurclles. The Women's Outdoor Track and Field hampion hips were held on Soldier Field, Chicago, on July 27th, 1929. There was an entry li t representative of the whole country, except Southern California, which, for th fir t time, was not repre– sented at the national meeting; but other localiti s which hitherto had taken little or no int rest in worn n's athletics sent repre entatives. Fifteen thousand spectators witnes ed these championships. Newworld's and nati nalr cords were made. BettyRobinson (Picture 52) led the field in this r pect by winning th so yards sprint in 5 4 secs. and the roo yards in rrg s cs. Maybelle Gilliland (Pictures 5 and 6r) created an American record of 27g. secs. for 220 yards, and h. na M onald (Pictur s rsr and r6 ) mad a new world's lb. hot utting r cord of 42ft. 3 ins. Hel -n Filkey ( icture 9 ) made a championship r cord of 12 3 s cs. in the 8o metr s Hurdle , which was run forth first time in Am rica that y ar. I give the full results of these two meetings: TATI D •I ·LD HIP, HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EW E GL ND ASSOCIATION AT OSTON, 1\IASS., lARCH 30TH, 1929 40 YDS. D SH.-5 f s cs., lary 2, I ath rine . M arl , ton .A. ; so YDS. HURDLES.-8 s cs., rin M. D no an, Prud ntial Assurance A.A. ; 2, Mari tta r , Prud ntial Assuran e A.A. ; 3, Dorothy M. \Vatson, ·udential A suran e A.A.
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