Athletics of To-Day for Women
The Growth of Women's Athletics z 1 altogether as the genesis of the now strong national impulse. In rgrg the Athletic Club of Sofia began to practise hockey and basket-ball for women, and even earlier lawn tennis came into favour, followed later by cycling, ski-ing, hazena, swimming, and rowing, but it was only in rg2g that first attempts were made to create an interest in women's athletics. In Esthonia the women's athletic movement is still very young, although their records have been preserved since rg2r, the principal form of recreation in the past being gymnastics, which has evidently formed a sound basis for the activity in athletics proper which has been observed during the last few Years; for Esthonian girls have already reached international s~andard in the field events, and are rapidly approaching high-water mark on the track as well. . Up to I929 there had been no need for a separate organisa– tion, but in that year the Eesti Kergeraske-Ja Veespordi Liit (The Esthonian Heavy and Light Athletic and Water port Association) set up an acting section for women, and it is quite probable that a women's athletic association will be formed in the near future. Esthonia was represented at Am terdam by a girl of marvellous all-round ability, Mi s · Teitelbaum (Picture rss), who has the following r cord of performances to her credit: 6o metres, 8 s cs. ; roo metres, I2 secs. ; Boo metres, 2 mins. 37 secs. ; High Jump, 4 ft. 3 ins. ; Long Jump, r7 ft. 2 ins. ; hot Put, 29ft. r 3 in.; Discus, rro ft. 4 2 ins.; Javelin, 3ft. roi ins. As r gards France, already mentioned, I would pau e h r tor mark upon the improvement which has taken place in th pace of the twelve years the National F d ration has been in existence, as shown by the following table : ENT. 191 8. 1920. I 26. 192 I m. s. , m. s. m. s. m. s. So m t. Liebrard II t Liebrard 1 o adid au ro Gagneux 10 8oo m t . enoir 2 30! Neveu 2 - 6t t,ooo met. adies 3 30f Guery 3 27! Bellon 3 roi Hurdles. I Delapierre I4f 83 met. Liebrard 10 Laloz I3f ombernoux 13t
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