Athletics of To-Day for Women
22 Athletics of To-day for Women RELAYS. 4X 75 met. 4X lOO met. 4X 200 met. lOX lOO met. 1926. m. s. 38! 5If I 5If 2 I9f 1929. m. s. 38t so 47f 2 rsi The case of Sweden requires rather particular attention. Per Ling reformed that country from sloth and debauchery by his system of wedish gymnastics, aft r it had long fallen into very bad ways. The wedes have now a special system of their own, which has swept right through Scandinavia and is beginning to spread gradually across Europe. It comprises a number of tests for the Idrottsmark, or, as we should say, "Sports Badge." These tests of Swedish sporting efficiency have been very popular with the men for generations, and in 1915 proposals wer put forward for the establishment of a similar badge for women. The general governing body of all forms of sport in Sweden were, however, doubtful as to the wisdom of ncouraging women's sports, and so the suggestion was rejected for th time being. But th re are legends in wed n that in bygone days Swedish won1en were brave shield-mat s to their Viking men, and so interest in their sporting activities has been main– tained from ancient times. This int rest seems to have died down for a while, until the school became active about the beginning of the present century. At a schoolgirls' sports me ting held at Goth nburg in rg 3 considerable xcitement was caus d by Hill vi tenhammar, who w s to r pres nt w d n against England in 1925, establishing what was held to b a w men's worl 's Long Jump record of 15 ft. 2 ins. he was the daughter of the great Swedish composer and later h rself became a famous actress. Very soon after this Gunnel Hjulhammar made a High Jump record of 4ft. 5 .. ins., and in 1917 at a schoolgirls' meeting put up the following performances: 6o metr s, -lo- secs. ; High Jump, 4ft. 3 ins. ; and Long Jump, 14ft. If in. A year prior to Miss Hjulhammar's performances the Swedish
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