Athletics of To-Day for Women

2.4 Athletics of To-day for Women HIGH JUMP resulted in a dead-heat between A. 1. Ahlsirand (Swed.), I. G. Broman (Swed.), and S. C. Eliott-Lynn (Eng. ), at 4ft. I I -to- ins. LoNG JUMP.-I, S. Stave ( wed.), 14ft. 7! ins. ; 2, H. Stenhammar (Swed.), I4 ft. 5 ins. Drscus.-1, F. Birchenough (Eng.), 8r ft. 8 ins.; 2, R. Svedberg (Swed.), 8o ft. Si ins. JAVEL! .-1, S. C. Eliott-Lynn (Eng.), 89ft. o in. ; 2, E. Haglund (Swed.), 82 ft. 2 ins. SHOT.-I, R. Svedberg (Swed.), 32 ft. 2f ins. ; 2, F. Birchenough (Eng.), 27ft. 9 ins. That propaganda visit of the English girls was just the one thing needed to put the movement on its feet, and in the following year the Swedes found themselves well enough supported to promote the 2nd International Ladies' Games. Finland, although apparently opposed to the movement, has women's records dating back to I9I3, in which year L. Asltonen ran I,ooo metres in 3 mins. 26~~ secs. and I,Soo metres in 5 mins. 44 secs., while L. Nystroom ran 200 m tr sin 29 s cs., cl ared I4 ft. 7 4 ins. in the Long Jump, and put the 6 kgs. hot 2 ft. 8~ ins. In r gard to the fact that Finland has produced mo t of the world's best men among the jav lin throwers, it is inter sting to not that in I I6 M. Uotil made a worn n' r cord with the 6oo gramm s weapon at 99 ft. oi ins. Th first traceable women's r cords in Holland go back to Ig2I, when o metre was run in Io-{ s cs., and IS ft. cl ared by a girl long jump r a year lat r. Inn ith r cas h v I be n able to s cur th record br ak r's nam , but b th wer mem– b rs of th lank voort lub. Th Dutch Worn n's dera– tion was not formed until March IOth, I929, but long b fore that date the Olympic Gam s, in which utch girls perform efficiently, had aroused great interest in women's athl tics throughout the country, to which Miss Gisolf's High Jump world's record (Picture r8g) add d con id rably. The Dutch Federation is known as E.N.D.A.T. (Eer t d rlandsche Dames-Athletiek Toerclub). The following progressive list of records is interesting :