Athletics of To-Day for Women
z6 Athletics of To-day for Women are now firmly established, and an interest is being taken in competitive athletics. The women's movement in Italy commenced in I92I, largely through the inspiration of the Monte arlo Games, and in I923 a Feminine Athletic Federation was founded. Five years later enor Tarati, the ecretary of the Fa ci t Party, succeeded in incorporating parting activity in the life of the Government. This le to a great revival of women' athletics in July, I zg, when Marina Zanetti (Pictur 35, 3 and 37), a famous all-round field events girl, wa appointed delegate of women's sport in Italy, the season for that year closing with a list of record-breaking performances at aples. zecho- lovakia has always been a great parting country, and has giv n to the worl the wonderful okol mov ment, which po s s upwards of 350,000 memb r , r pr s nting four p r c nt of all p r ons of z cho- lovak nationality. This numb r includ s some s,ooo girl up to the age of fourt en, 33,000 up to the age of eight n, and 97.soo above that age. . The gymnastic xerci e practi ed by the okol ar both collective and individual in charact r, and at the la t fe tiv 1 in I92 th r were over I4,000 worn n e.· rei ing at the ame time under th charg of a single in tructr he hi t ry f gymna tics goes back for mor than half a century, whil hor e-riding and kating ar of y t older dat . II._ zena, the national ball game, was intro uc d in I os by . Kri f, and i rapidly attaining a ontin ntal vogu . Athl tic i the younge t of all zecho- lovakian sport , but during th y ar I 24 and I925 zecho- lovakian women were in poss of fifteen world's r cord . The country has alway giv n the full national ompetition , an , inc the 1 ngr f th 1~ . . i.I. at m ter am, z ho- 1 vakia ha b n ntru t d with th organi ation of th Third \Vmn n's World's am , whi h ar to tak pb at Pragu from pt mb r th t th, I 30, t th n w gr un<l f th , la ia parting lub, un r th au pi f Mon. . T . Masar 7 k, th I r i nt f th public, and one of the I un rs of the okols. h
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