Athletics of To-Day for Women
The Growth of Women's Athletics 2.7 will include athletics, hazena, basket-ball, net-ball, and various Sokol demonstrations. At present there are not more than fift en women's athletic clubs in Czecho- lovakia, but their members are coached on a system which pays special attention to all-round development, and at the contests held at Prague in 192 there were 1,652 women competitors. Among the best p rformanc s produced were: Kuznihova, 6o yd ., Bl secs. ; ychrova, 100 yds., 12 s cs. ychrova, who holds the world's record, has alway pre ented a problem to students of styl , jn that h contravenes all accepted principles and takes one hurdle with the right leg leading, and the next with the left leg 1 ading. ince 1923 the women's athletic movement has m de progr ss in outh America, and although bile and Urugu y have hardly yet made a start the Argentine Women's Athl tic 1 d ration wa found din July, 1925, to m t the development which had been going on for two years. Owing to circum– stances beyond the control of the new gov rning body it was n t found possible to hold an op n tournament until July pst, 1927, when one was promot d by th Barracas lub, and w ll supported by th acing, Alpha, and T 1 phona lub . National champion hips w r h ld in th same y ar, nd th g v rning bo y has now in affiliation v n trong clubs. In addition to the national champion hips, municip 1 worn n's champion hips ar h ld annually. Worn n's athl tics w re only tart din hina in April, 1930, ' h n the China National A.A. . held tri 1 for m n and women pr ceding the inth 'ar 1 ast rn am s. hinese women have adopted athletics enthu ia tically. Th y also pl y ba k t-ball, voll y-b 11 nd lawn t nni Worn n' r cord f v riou nations r given in th App ndix.
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