Athletics of To-Day for Women
Athletics of To-day for Women hung up her spikes. The women who went to Monte Carlo were the pioneers of the feminine athletic movement in Eng– land, and upon their return home they quickly formed them– selves into the London Olympiades A.C. That club held sway as undisputed champions for quite a number of years. Meanwhile, Mme. l\1illiat, sati fi d with the success of h r own Fed ration in Franc , and inspired by what she had seen of international competition at Monte Carlo, d termined upon the formation of an international governing body. In conjunction with the inaugural meeting of the F ..F.I., she planned an international match betw en France and England. This important fixture was held in aris on unday, Octob r 30, rgzr. The riti h team was a strong one, and scor d 4 point to th 37 points record d by their French rival , who, none the le , put up a gallant fight in every event throughout the contest. The results were as follows: E GLA D v. FRA CE ARI , 19- I (F.); art n (G.B.). (G. .), I I<) it . 7 in . ; . .). Th h · ' 'Y j<v lin
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