Athletics of To-Day for Women

34 Athletics of To-day for Women records. (4) The giving of advice as to the choice of suitable events for competition and also as to training. (5) The improve– ment of the physique of the nation. The universities and big bu iness houses rallied quickly to the W.A.A.A., and after a hort time the factories also began to come in, while private clubs were formed all over the country. Annual international matches became well estab– lished fixtures, but were all held abroad until a great meeting was witnessed at Stamford Bridge, London, in 1924. But of that meeting more will be sai presently. \Vithin a short time the W.A.A.A. had several hundred clubs in affiliation; men's clubs were running women's sec– tions, and soon the new gov rning body, und r the presidency of Lord Hawk , found itself legi lating for upwards of 23,000 girl athletes. The President is now the Right Hon. Lord Decies, P.C., .S.O., who has b en interested in the movement from its inauguration, and who was formerly Deputy Chairman of the British Olympic Association. In April of 1922 a further international meeting was held at Monte arlo, in which Belgium, Britain, Czecho- lovakia, nmark, ~ ranc , Italy, and witz rland w r r pr s nt d by some 300 girls. The Briti h team was once mor pre- min ntly succes ful, competing in fift n events and winning tw lve of them. The r sults of the Mont arlo international meeting of 1922 are giv n her und r, and it will be se n that Czecho- lovakia was already b coming a force to be reckon d with. It wa in that y ar, ind ed, that :M. M jzlikova II (Pictures ro and r2) made four n w world' record , i.e., 50 metre , 6g secs. ; 6o metres, 7~ secs. ; o metr s, roi ecs. ; and roo yards, rr secs. ; whil the z cho- lovakian .I . port lub, Karlin, at Pragu , cover d the 300 m tr s r lay distanc (4x 75 metres) in 42 ~ secs. u.LJ'-A _, . ..,D \\' 1E ' I TE TI L M •ETI G l\1 TE A LO, 19 22 METRES FLAT.- 1, alleb ut (G.B.), 8t secs. ; 2 , Lines (G.B.); 3, Sm ranikova ( z.-S. ).