Athletics of To-Day for Women

36 Athletics of To-day for Women The definition of amateurism was discussed, records were verified and passed, and the Congress decided that Olympic Games for Women should be held in every fourth year. The second \Vomen's Olympiad was fixed for rg26, and the Third ongr was charged with the deci ion as to which nation should be entrusted with the organisation. The ir t \Vomen's Olympiad was in every way a succ s, for no le s than 2o,ooo spectators were in their s ats when the teams of the five competing nations marched into the ar na of the Pershing tadium at Paris on unday, August 20, 1922. The girls who had come all the way from Am rica to com– pete made a smart show in their white blouses with the tars and tripes e cutcheon emblazoned upon the br a t. The British girls al o wore white urcharged with th Union Jack. The French and z cho- lovakian worn n favour d blue, the blouses of the latter being of a very dark shade; the girls of both countri s bore the in ignia of their national flag . The wiss girls wore earl t, with a white cro n the left brea t. Each team wa pr ced d by the flag of it n tion. From the fir t, the F ..F.I. faced th v ry natural desire of the comp ting countri s for classification by nation , and p int w r award d. Throughout the day comp tition wa of th keen st order, but the thirt en riti h girl , nin of whom w re m mber of th London lympiade .. , urpa ed them lv and did a thing that Briti h m n hav nev r y t succ d in doing by conqu ring an Am rican lympic T am. Th y w r well rec iv din Paris, and giv n a gr at ovation wh n th y r turned to England. The full r sult of th ~ irst \Vom n' lympiad are giv n b low : Tl I · FI T W J\IE ' L Tl\lPIC E RSIIING TADIUM, RI Auc ST -0 19 - fETRE L T.- Trials. rst Heat: I, Line ( ( z.- .) ; 3, bin (F.); 4, illiland (U. .).