Athletics of To-Day for Women

England's Triumphant Start 37 I, all ·boul ( .B.); 2, rust ( •.) ; 3, Sabi (U.. ) ; 4, ramkova (Cz.-S.). 8 secs. Final: I, Mcjzlikova II ( z.-S.); 2, Lin s (G.B.); 3, Call bout (G.B.) ; 4, r st ( <. ). 7 i s s. (world's record). Mis Mejzlikova, who passed the 50 metr s mark in 6i sec ., al o a world's record, won by the bar st inches from Miss Lines, who howed splendid finishing form, ·with 1iss Call bout not a foot away and Mile. Prost close up. IOO YARDS FLAT.-Ist Heat: I, Lin s (G.B.); 2, r t ( .) ; 3, ramkova (Cz.- .) ; 4, Gr en ( .. ). I I i sec . 2nd Heat: I, Mejzliko a II (Cz.- .) ; 2, allebout (G.B.) ; 3, Gilliland (U.. ) ; 4, oeppel ( .). I It s cs. (' rid's r cord). Final: I, alleb ut (G.B.); 2, M jzlikoYa II ( z.- .) ; 3 ine (G.B.); 4, Frost ( .), 12 secs. In the second h at Iiss I jzlikova ho' d ah ad fr m th very start and er at d four world's r cord , passing th 5 m tr s in Gi cs., 6o m tr 7 t s cs., 8o m tr s 10 secs., and running out the full IOO yards in I 1 f ecs. In the final, ho"V ever, she found the brilliant burst and th perf et fini hing form of the Engli h girl, Mis all bout, som thing ju t a hade b t.t r th n she h r lf uld produ A yard c r d the thr finalists at th tap , and again Mll . st, f <ranee, was a go d fourth. upr me an epic race.