Athletics of To-Day for Women

- --==.=...-- - ------------ - --- -:....___- -~~· Athletics of To-day for Women lOO YARDS HURDLES (8 flights of 2 ft. 6 ins. hurdles).-lSt Jleat: r, Batson (U.S.); -, G. Lal z ( •.); ~. \Vright (G.B.); 4, Ilavlickova ( z.-S.). 14 secs. (world's record). 2nd Ileat: abie (U.S.) ; 2, Hatt (G.B.); 3, vcikova (Cz.- .) ; 4, Th. Laloz ( .). I4f secs. (world's record). Final: I, Sabie ( .S.); 2, Iatt (G.B.); 3, G. Laloz (F.); 4, Batson (U.. ). 14! s cs. (equals world's record). In this vent the American ladies demonstrated clearly that they came from the country in whi h many of the fin st male hurdl r ha e be n produced, but it is only fair to add that all the comp titors show d a sound' orking knowl dg f the modern straight-leg style. 440 YARDS RELAY (4X r 1 yards).-1, Great Britain (Lines, allebout, Leach, and Porter) ; 2, ranee ; 3, Czecho- lovakia. 5 I! s c . (world's record). America was disqualified. In the cours of thL, ent Miss Lin s, who ran the first relay for Great Britain fr m a set start, made a new world's roo m tr s r cord of 12! sec ., whil the British team also b at the ' orld's r lay re ord o r the int rmediate 40 metres distance, pas ing that mark in 51 f secs. RuNNING HIGH JuMP.-I, Hatt (G.B.) and Voorh es (U.S.) tied at 4 ft. 9-n,. ins.; 3, Lowman (G.B.), 4 ft. 7-ib ins.; 4, Gerner (F.), 4ft. 7-n,. in . RuN I G Lo ..·G JuMP.- I, Lin s (G.B.), 16 ft. 7t ins. ; 2, Stin s (U.. ), 16ft. 5! ins . ; 3, abi (U.S.), 16ft. 3-itr in . ; 4, Hatt (G. .), I 5 ft. o-dr in. TANDING LoNG JUMP.-1, Sa ie ( .S.), 8 ft. 1 1 ~ in. ; 2 , Hughes (G. .), 8 ft . I in. ; 3, mt. (F.), 7 ft. 8l 0 ~ in . ; 4, · irch nough (G. .), 7 ft. 7-lrs ins. gramm s J ELIN (fr t. I , right and l ft. hand ·st thro·ws add d t. g th ·r).-r, ia nz la ( \Vi ·s ), q I ft. 10 ~ins . ; .., G n 1 (F.) 13 ft . R ins.; "', dbold ( .. ), 130ft. 3 in . ; 4, Gr slim nd (Swiss), 129 ft. G ~ ins. The general classification of the nations at the en of the Games was as follows: r at ritain, 50 points; U..A., 31 points; Franc , 2 points; z cho- lovakia, r2 points; witz rland, 6 points; and th li t of the first w men Olympic hampions is as follows :