Athletics of To-Day for Women

England's Triumphant Start 41 fiir Leibesiibungen I85 , returned 2 mins. I4~ secs. for the I,ooo metres relay (Iox Ioo), as against the official world's record of 2 mins. 23 secs., and, in I 23, Frl. Henoch threw a discus, weighing I~ kg., a distance of I ft. 8! ins., as against 8g ft. Ioi ins. (with the I kg. discu ) r cord . During I923 the following world' r cords were established: ., R. Th mp on ( . .). 25 IETRE .-35" c ., V. alm r ( . .). 00 IETRES REL y (4 X2 o).-r min. szi ccs. Engli h T am. 88 YARDS RELAY (4 X220 ).-I min. S~t S ., • nglish T am. I20Y RDSHURDLES(rofiighiszft in .).-1 t ecs.,l\f.Lin s(G.B.). 88 YARDS WALK.-4 min . 35 S CS., •. Trick y (G.. ). Ru I G HIGH JuMP.-4 ft. I l ins., E. inc, U. . . ; Eliott-Lynn (Lady Heath) ( . .). RuNNI G o G Ju tP.- 17 ft. 4i in ., M jzlik va II ( z.- .). HOT PuT (8lb.).- t hand, 37 ft., . 1\Iorri (F.); b th hands, 8ft. IIt in ., V. 1: rri (F.). JAVELIN ( gr .).- i.h hand , 13 ft. 2 t ins., L. Gr slim n wis ). . T mbour t ( ~. ) . athl tics TIII L l\1 • ·TI