Athletics of To-Day for Women

Athletics of To-day for Women 65 METRES HURDLES.- I, Lowman (G. B.), I I jtr secs. ; 2, !lla··s (Bel.); 3, Brulc (F.) ; 4, Sramkova (Cz.-S. ). 8oo METRES.-r, eveu (F.), 3 min. 35i secs.; 2, Lane (G.D.); 3, Batt (G.B.) ; 4, Duchemin ( .) ; 5, Lenoir (F.). LONG JuMP.-r, Stone (G.B.), I 5 ft. II ins. ; 2, fejzlikova II (Cz.-S. ), 1 5 ft. 5! ins. ; 3, Van Truyen (Bel.) I 5 ft. I~ in. ; 4, Iaugars (F.), 14ft. ro in . ; s, Brulc, Th. (F.), q. ft. Si in . ; 6, iantanida (It.), 14 ft. 3 1 ~ in . SuoT UT.-I, I jzlikova I ( z.- .), 57ft. 5 ins. ; 2, Hurren (G. .), 5 1ft. 5! in . ; 3, Vlachova (Cz.- .), 52 ft. ro ~ ins. ; 4, hapeteau (F.), 5 ft. 2f!f ins.; 5, Groslimond (Swiss), 49ft. 8 ins.; , Havlickova( z.-S.). 250 METRES.-I, all bout (G.B.), 41 secs.; 2, 1\f jzlikova I (Cz.-S.); 3, l\Ionnet ( .) ; 4, Darreau (F.). RELAY (300 METRES.)-1, Gr at ritain, 40f secs. ; 2, France ; 3, Czecho- lovakia. 6o METRES Co~ OLATION.-I, Edwards (G.B.); 2, Robin (F.); 3, Banzi (It.); 4 Rus ell (G.B.); 5, Brice (F.). JAVELIN.-!, Groslim nd (Swi ), 147 ft. s-ilr ins.; 2, Pianzola ( wis ), 147 ft. 3 ins. ; 3, ElioU-Lynn (G.B.), 142 ft. I 1 ins.; 4, lmrova ( z.- .), 139 ft.; 5, Jand rova ( z.- .), 137 ft.. 9~ ins.; 6, Ganc 1 (F.), 133ft. 3t ins.; 7, ramkova ( z.- .) 127ft. IIf ins. RELAY (4 X75).-1, reat ritain; 2, ranc ; 3 clgium. PE.·T THLON.-J, hapet au ( •.) 18 points; ~ Lo' man (G.B.), 19 p ints; 3, liott-Lynn (G.. ) <tnd Van Truy n ( 1.) · 5, rnzi (It.). ASKET-B LL.-Italy beat z cho- lovakia by 15 point t I 3 points ; France beat !tal by 47 to ; Franc beat Great Britain by 19 to r. In the following month, May, the London Olympiades A.C. held their first evening sport me ting at Paddington Recrea– tion Ground , London, the Mi c Trick y ( icture z), Batt (Pictur rg), and Edward (Pi ture 74), produ ing sprinting performanc s to prove them lve worthy succ ssors to Miss Lines, when that lady houl think of retiring. An ven more important departure in May, 1923, was the holding of the \V omen's Inter-University port , at Bristol. The meeting was not that year granted championship status, but some excellent performanc s were returned. In that year the Women's Inter-University thletic Board was inaugurat d to ncourage and co-ordinate women's athletic activities in th variou univer ities and university coll g s of r at Britain. Int r-Varsity ports meetings had been held annually sin rgzr, but it was not until the Board