Athletics of To-Day for Women
England's Triumphant Start 43 was constituted that these n1cctings could be given chan1pion– ship status. Throughout that summer the London Olympiades con– tinued a series of successful evening meetings at Paddington. In August, Essex promoted the first Ladies County Champion– ship-the other somewhat similar event held in Yorkshire in I9I9 was open to the whole of the North of England. At Brentwood, Miss R. E. Thompson (Picture 38), of the Manor Park Ladies A. ., who was soon to be making athletic history, took theE sex Ladies IOO yard Championship in the v ry good time of II~ secs., only a fifth of a second outside \vorld's record. Later in the sam month the London Olympiades vi ited Brussels and Antw rp. The match at Brussels was one of ten vents, of whi h the i nglish girls won all except the Javelin, 1\1 ry Lines taking no less than 5 firsts, including the Pen– tathlon of fi e ev nts. We had also the satisfaction of finding in Miss Lan a I,ooo metr s runner capable of beating the i r nch girl L noir (Picture II), who was placed second in the Fir t Tomen' lympiad a year earlier. At Antwerp Mary Lines ran in the ictorious r lay team, took four individual firsts, and s t up a new v orld' record of 35 ~ secs. for 250 n1 tr s. i r m thi V ra I lmer (Picture I ) was to chip a fifth of a second later in the ame s ason. Vera Palmer is now Mrs. arle, and in I930 b came Hon. Secretary of the Engli h Worn n's A.A. . The London lympiad s-gr at mis ionaries to foreign countries in those days, a is the Achilles lub to-day– r turned to England just in time to take part in the first full English Worn n's Championship M eting, which was held on the Oxo ports round at romley on aturday, August I , I923. Elev n events were d cid d, and of these the London Olympiades, despite the str nuous tour from which they had just returned, carried off ight titl s: The outstanding per– former wa still that female mar el, Mary Line , already, b it r m mb r d, ne ring thirty y ars of age, who had during th pr eding w k not only br ken a world's record and won
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