Athletics of To-Day for Women

44 Athletics of To-day for Women ten vents, but had actually, counting heats as w 11, taken part in tw nty competition . At the English hampionships that year Miss Lines took the roo yard in 12 ecs., 440 yards 62~ secs., 120 yards Hurdles r8t secs., and Long Jump 15 ft. rri ins. Other outstanding performers were Mi E. Edwards, who returned the fast time of 27 secs. for 220 yard , and Miss Trickey, of the North Briti hand Mercantile .. , who achieved a curious '' double '' by winning both the walking and running Half Mile title . Miss Florence Birchenough, who took the hot ut, would undoubtedly have achieved a double event, but the iscus was, unfortunately, and c rtainly unwi ly, not included in the programme. Mr . Eliott-Lynn maintain d h r fin r puta– tion a a javelin thrower, and Mi s Rose Th mp on, not yet quite fully matured as a runner, wa a good econd in both the sprint races. During the month that follow d, the gr at st car wa taken with Miss Thompson's training, for she had d monstrated clearly that she was rapidly r aching the world' championship class. Mi s Edwards, the furl ng champion, wa 1 o thought very w 11 of, but I doubt if ny on really usp et th great potentialities of V ra Palm r, " ho had fini h d t n y rds to the bad in third pl c wh n Mi Ed\ rd produ d such good form at a furlong. Mary Lin s was unabl to go with the ngli h t am to aris for th annual int rnational match gainst ran , which took pl c in tormy w th r on und y, ept mb r 23. 'ngland won comfortably by 0- 37. Th \ akn "hich might have b n xp 1. d through th ab n f Mi in wa not appar nt, f r o Thomp on quail th world' roo yards r cord f rr 2 c . with Mi Elliott only thr yard away, whil ra alm r finished a yard and a half h ad of Miss Edwards at 25 m tres, and th tim of 35 9 s c . constituted y t anoth r world's rec rd. Mi rick y er dit d England with th r,ooo metre in th riti h r ord time of 3 mins. 22 cs., and in th v nt, although