Athletics of To-Day for Women

England's Triumphant Start 45 Mme. Gouraud-Morris, France, made a world's record of 68ft. II., in ., Mi s Florence Bir henough clip ed the previous British best with a measurement of 54ft. 7~ ins. One of th mo t satisfactory features of that me ting was the all-round ability and the splendid u teamswomanship" of Mr . liott-Lynn, I en ington Ladi s A.. , and Mis G. Elliott, of ottingham Univer ity olleg . Mrs. Eliott- ynn finished second in both the Javelin Throw and Hurdle race, and Miss Elliott, who had b en brought to light by the women's university meeting prior to her jumping I5 ft. 3: ins. for third place in the English hampionship ong Jump, took the international Long Jump in Paris at xactly the same dis– tance sh had jumped in England, and al o fini hed second in the r cord-making IOO yard . The def at of Mile. Neveu (Pictur 85), th French oo m tr r cord hold r, at I, oo metres by the Engli h girl , Tri k y and Lan , w perhaps unexpected. Finally, the riti h r lay team put up a new world's record of I min. 52 2 secs. for the Half Mile distance. At the end of the great y ar 1923 world's r cords on the track w re ju t about venly divided between reat ritain and z cho- lovakia ; of th urdl s record Am rica h Id four, Franc t\ o, and r at ritain on , but the Engli h girls had cl arly gun to 1 th ir grip upon th field v nt , mainly through th f t that n coa hing fa iliti in these v nts ' r availabl in ngl nd. y th n of I 23, in fact, 1r . . Eliott-Lynn, who har d th High Jump r cord with Mi s ine, ..., wa our only woman champion remaining among th worl ' r ord h 1 r in the fi Id v nt . zech - lovakia till had tw gr t at.hl t in the M jzlikova si ter , th y ung r holding th unning Long Jump and four print r cord , and th Id r a w rl ' h t utting r cord, 1 ng r di t nee print, hurdling and throwing r cor in h r ov n country, while f th oth r z eh girl Havlick va had alr ady 1 r d 4~ ft. in th High Jump, lmr va w g tting into th worl ' h, mpi n hip la ' ith th h avy ja elin, n Jand ro (I i tur II, ), lat r n gr at i u and lin thr w r, wa ju t. ing h ard f.