Athletics of To-Day for Women
CHAPTER OUR 1924- 1926 TnE last eel bration of the Monte Carlo internationals was held in 1923, with Belgium, reat Britain, Italy, witzerland, France, and Czecho- lovakia taking part, and Miss Edwards making her athletic d 'but. By 1924 the international mat h cult had spread so far and wide that there was no longer room for the original unofficial n1eeting which, none the less, had served a splendid purpose. The year 1924 opened with the holding of the first official Women's Inter-University Chatnpionships, under the auspices of the W.I.V.A.B. The m eting took place at Lady Hay, Nottingham, on May 24, the institution r present d being Aberystwyth, Birmingham, ristol, ardiff, Le d , Liverpool, Man hester, Nottingham, and h ffield. Th hampionship hield was won by ottinghatn with 21 point , Birmingham, Leeds, and Liverpool b ing equal second with 11 points each, 11anch st r with 7 point amc f1ftl, and hcfft ld, 2 p ints, sixth. Nottingham also won the clay fron1 Manch \,;s t r and irmingham. Miss Elliott (Nottingham), the Engli h Int rnational, was the outstanding champion, winning the 100 yard in 11~ secs., 220 yard , 2 2 secs., and the Long Jump at 15ft. 10 in ., only 3~- ins. hort of 1iss Lines's then xi ting riti h record. On June 28 the Second Annu 1Won1en's Engli h hainpion- hips were held at the Woolwich tadium. pr sentatives of the London Olympia es took s v n of the tw lv titles, nd, although Mary Lin s wa still th c ntral figure of the m ting and a tow r of strength to her club, which she aided to achieve vi tory in th lay "-ac , y l sh found hers lf fore d t yield 46
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