Athletics of To-Day for Women

49 1,0 METRES.-T, Tri k y (G.B.); 2, •. Lane (G.B.); 3, Van l cnlandt (Bel.). 8 yards. 3 mins. 81 se s. (world's record). I20 YARDS HuRDLES.-I, Lines (G.. ) ; 2, IIatt (G.. ) ; 3, Van Dalen ( el) I8t s cs. (world's r cord). SHOT (8lb.), two hands.-r, !orris (F.), 65 ft. ot in. ; 2, Manton (G.B.), 59ft. 9~ ins. ; 3, l\iejzlikova I ( z.-S.), 59ft. Ii· in. ; 4, Petit (F.), 55ft. 7t ins. Lo G JuMP.-I, Lines (G.B. ), I6 ft. 7 -ins. (Briti h record) ; 2, Elliott (G.B.), I6 ft. 6 ins. ; 3, Sramkova (Cz.-S.), I6 ft. 5 in . ; 4, '1 jzlikova II (Cz.-S. ), I 5 ft. 9 ins. 250 METRES.-!, Lin s (G.B); 2, Palmcr (G.B.); 3, M jzlik va I (Cz.-S.); 4, Gits ( 1.), 34! e . In th first h at Ii alm r with 34 ~ secs. knocked f ur-fifi.h of a se ond oii h r wn \ rld' r ord, but ev n this new r cord, as t tally clipsed in th final by lis Lin s's 34! sec . world's record. liss Lines b at ~Ii alm r by half a yard with 1-llle. Mejzlikova II fi yards furth r away. r KILOMETRE WALK.-I, egel (F.); _,Trick y (G.B.); 3, K ling (G.B.). so yds. ; 20 yds. 5 mins. 14 s cs. 66o YARDS RELAY {220, I IO, 2 0, I 10).-I, r at Britain (Palm r, Gamble, Edward , Thomps n) ; 2, Franc ; 3, Belgium. 20 yds. ; I 5 yds. I min. I 8 g secs. (' rld's record). JAVELIN (8 o gramm , both hands).-r, Groslimond (S" iss), I 56ft. tin. (w rld'S r C rd); 2, }and ro a ( Z.- .), I4 ft. 5 in ·; 3 K n 1 ( " i ), 14 I ft. c i ins. ; 4, Ganc 1 ( .), 1 38 ft. 9~ in . Drs u {I kg., ne hand).-I, 1 rris ( .), 8 ft. ins. (world's r cord); 2, Jand rova ( z.- .), 87 ft. in . ; ,, Bir henough (G.B.), 82ft. I I ins. ; 4, tit (F.), 7 ft. 3 in . HIGH Ju tP.-r, Van ruyen (B 1.), 4ft. I 1 ~ ins. (' rld's record) ; 2, Pat uill t ( •.), 4ft. II in.; , L 'man ( .. ), 4ft. rot in . .-Gr at ritain 5 p ints ; ~ran , 24 z ho- lo kia, r 3 p ints ; witz rlanu, a earn, and o did not hampionshi s. The