Athletics of To-Day for Women
50 Athletics of To-day for Women s ason op n ·d with the Inter-University hampionships at ::Manchest r on May 19. Leeds with a core of z6 points relieved Nottingham of the Champion hip shield, Sheffield being second with 9 points. Improved performances were recorded in the Half Mile, 120 yards Hurdles, High and Long Jumps, and the Relay ace. By June the advance of women's athletics in England was mphasi d by the announcement that, for the first time, standard m dals would be awarded at the English \Vomen's hampionships. The standard th n fixed w re-100 yards, 12 g s cs. ; 220 yard , 2 s cs. ; 440 yard , 65 secs. ; o yards, 2 mins. 3 s cs. ; 88o yard Walk, 4 mins, 50 secs.; 120 yards Hurdl s, 19~ ecs.; Jav lin (both hand aggr gat ), 120 ft. ; hot ut (both hands aggr gat ), 50 ft.; iscu (b st hand), 68 ft.; High Jump, 4ft. 7 in . ; Long Jump, 14ft. 9 ins. Before the hampion hip took plac , hovvev r, th re was held on June 6, 1925, th first Int r- lub ontest open to clubs affiliated to the \V.A.A.A. for the Daily J\;ft'rror Trophy. This contest, held under the auspices f the Mid lesex Ladies A. . , was run on the same lines a those adopted so successfully by the Polyte hnic Harrier in connection with their famous I innaird Inter- lub Meeting. 1he London lympi d s arri d off the trophy \i ith a se r of 451 points, as against Middles x Ladies, 3 , Manor ark, 14, olyt chni , 5, ir hfi ld Harri rs, 2, and old miths In titute, }. The meeting was an important one from v ry point of view, for it brought to light a new world's champion jumper in Miss Phyllis r en (Picture 199), and proved that Mi Wil on, after some y ars of steady endeavour, \ as r aching the top class among worn n javelin throwers. Neither girl \ as tall, nor particularly strong in build, but both w re xceptionally ndow d with pring, supplenes , and that just s nse of timing which alone produc s field vent success. Phyllis re n con id rably tartled the sp etators. In th Long Jump she not only b at Miss . Elliott, the form r inter-univ rsity champion and international, but also set up a n w British r cord of 17 ft. 2 ins., half a foot better than Miss Lines's
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