Athletics of To-Day for Women

54 Athletics of To-day for Won1en class jumpers, with an added g nius for running hurdles, and V lma pringsi ad, too, was a good high jump r-hurdler, but in all cases their hurdling form wa better than their jumping, for they had none of th m mastered the high jumper's turn and lay-out or th long jump r's hit h-kick. Th anadian had great sprinter in Myrtl ook ( icture Go), and Kay lanagan (Picture 17), for whom Mu sabini predicted world's r cord honours, but Miss ~lanagan unfor– tunately sustained a slight injury, which rather spoiled her chanc s. Th y had no distance runners. On July 31 the zecho--..~lo al ian t am arrived in London. They al o w r without a r presentative for the Half Mil ent, and so the British girls ry portingly d dared that th y would pr fer that ev nt, although it must b run, should not scar towards the points total in the final pla ing . '1 h anadians w r v ry lucky and th z chs very ffi i nt, but the ritish guns w re of too h avy a calibre for th ir ppon nts. Th British t am forg ,d ah a l fr m th ra k of th first pi tol, and h v nt d idecl f un th m piling fr h point on to th ir growing scar . 1 inally, th y won \i ith s6 points to z cho- '1 al ia, 2 int , nd nada, 23 point . ritain won s n ev nt on th tr ck, and in the jump. , and hot put, z ho- 1 vakia winning th javelin nd discus throws, and v ry pl n id ind d w r the bronz d, black- lad girls, J n r ( i tnre 113), Ha li kova, Olmr va, I u rov , m 1 y , \ n k v , an l \' di l·o a who r d z ho- l v Id· ' fi 1 n t p int . In th course f th m ting i\ \V rl ' r ords w r br l·en, V r lm r running 250 metr s in 3 s s (as h wn in ictur 8), and Miss Trick y cov ring a h 1£ mil in 2 mins. 24 s cs. Th results of the ev nts were as foil ws: TRIANGULAR NTER... ATIO. L GREAT I3RITAI - CZECH -SLOV KIA- C NADA LoNoo.·, 19-5 100 YARD .-1, R. Thorn son (G. .) ; -· T . '. alleb ut (G.B.); 3, :01. ook ( 'an .); 4, J. ymcni. ( an .). 2 yds. ; ft . ; It. 11 s s.