Athletics of To-Day for Women

' SECOND WOMEN'S WORLD GAMES, GOTHENBURG, 1926. E 55· 23. THE HEROINE OF GoTHENBURG. Kinuye Hitomi, Japan, seated on the ground, was the wonder athlete of the Second World Games. Miss J. Chmi~owska, seated behind her, is the Latvian 400 metres record holder. 24. INTERNATIONAL R ELATIONS. Left to right j. Chmisowska, Latvia, L. Fawcett, G.B., M. Sundberg, Sweden, K. Hitomi, Japan, K. Olmrova, Czecho-Slovakia. 25. THE BRITISH T EAM. Major Marchant is seated between Lady Heath, on his right, and Florence Birchenough. 26. CHAIRING AND CHEERING THE VICTOR. Miss Crossley, G .B., borne shoulder high by her comrades after beating Mme. Regel, France, in the 1000 metres walk.