Athletics of To-Day for Women
55 250 1\IETIU .. c:;. Ilcat I : r, V. , lm r ( .13.); ~, G. \\'u<Yl ( 1 .) ; 34~ se s. Ifcat 2: r, V. Str oJ r (. '.); 2, K. Flanag.n (an.).; 34 ~ secs. Final: r, I alm r ; 2, <lanagan; 3, 3 yds. ; 2 yds. 33! sec..,. (world's record). 88o YARDS.-r ... Trickey (G.B.); 2, G. Lane (G.B.); 3, P. Hall (G.B.). 2 min . 24 secs. (worl 's r cord). anada and zecho- lo akia did not compet . roo YAHDS HuRDLES.-r, II. IIatt (G.B.); _, P. Bait. ( .B.); 3, G. onacher ( an.); 4, . pringst ad ( an.). 2 yds.; 2 yds. 15 se ·. HIGH }U:'\1P.-r, P. Gr~cn (G.B.), 4ft. 1 ins. ; 2, II. IIati. (G. .), 4 ft. 9 ins. ; 3, V. Springstead ( an.), 4 fl. 7 ins. ; 4, L. !Iavli k ( z.- .), 4 ft 6 ins. Lo G }UMP.-r, :.I. IIull (G. .), r6 ft. r r ins. ; 2, rcen (G. .), r6 ft. 6 ins. ; 3, 'molova (Cz.-S.), r6 ft. 3 ins.; 4, H. Conachcr (Can.), IS ft. S!ins. J YELL (So grs., b th hands aggr gat ).-I, JanderoYa ( z.- .), 158ft. 7! ins.; -· lmr va ( z.- .), 148ft. 2! ins.; 3, . . •liutt- Lynn (G. .), qr ft. 9~ ins. ; 4 . allard ( an.), 141 ft. si ins. Drscus (b sl h. nd).-r, IIa licko ·a ( z.-S.) 87 ft. ; 2, Kuccrova ( z.-S.), 8o fl. Si in . ; 3, J. ds n ( an.), 78 ft. 7 in . ; 4, F. Birch nough (G.B.), 78 ft. 6i ins. 'noT (Sib., both h nds ag · gate).-r, l\I. \ st n ( .B.), 6o fl. 3 ins.; z, nco a ( z.-S.), 6oft. 3 in . ; 3, J. don ( an.), 59ft.-:.. ins.; 4, Vodickova ( z.-S.), 53ft. I in. 66o YARDS EL.\Y.-I, Great Britain (lia •ncs \ annop) ; 2, anada ; ..)• z h - 1 vakia. r min. 20 sec·. aim r Thompson, I 5 yds. ; 30 yds. After the m ich the teams w r entertained to a dinner nd dance at the i cadilly Hotel, nd I\ ell remember th t when Lord ccie , who vas very popular with the ana i n girls, n t red th room, one of th m xclaimed, " Oh, her mes th lor !"-a r mark which caused a good d al of quiet musement. Upon th the national t am to anad , Mis lexandrin ibb \ rot in th anadi n press : lt At th res nt tim track and field athleti s for women ar the talk of th ountry. allowing the r c nt trip abroad of th anadian f r th fir t time in history, th r has dcv lop d an interest in thi line of sport \ hich if enco r ged, it
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