Athletics of To-Day for Women
56 Athletics of To-day for Women should b , will result in a t am of experi need top-notch athletes repr senting anada at the \Vomcn's Olympiad in Brussels next August." Prior to the vi it to England, athletic for girls were in their infancy in anada, but on the return of the team Miss Gibb got together the Ice Hockey, Basket-Ball, and oft-Ball Association -all from Ontario-together with some ladies from Montr al and the girl who had repres nted Canada overseas, and tender d the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada a banquet, at the same tim king for permi sion to form the Worn n's Amateur Athletic deration of anada to look after girl athletes and their affairs. This permission was given and Articl s of Alliance wer drawn up. Meanwhil the Canadian Ladi ' Athletic Club of Toronto had been formed, with Miss Gibb as President, Mabel Ray as Vice-President, Mollie Trinnell as ecretary-Treasurer, and as Engli h Honorary memb r , Mr . V. M. ambridge, Mrs. li tt-Lynn, Lord ci s, and aptain . A. M. Web ter, an honour which, I am sure, was greatly appre iat d by all of us who had done what we could for the Canadian girl wh n they cam to England. imilar clubs were quickly formed in other parts of th omm10n. The \V.. A.. of anada has now an organi ation with branches from the a t coast of th Maritimes to the west coast of British Columbia, cov ring Ontario, Qu b c, th Mari– tim s, Alb rta, and ritish olumbia. In addition, the anadian a k t-Ball A sociation is an a:ffiliat d body, an also the anadi n Women's oft- all Association. nee a y ar the branch s hold m ting and send thr e del gat s to the annual meeting of the nadian W.A.A. . It took just that trip to Europe to wake Canada up to the realisation that they could get well into the international picture with their girl athl tes. They felt that th y had the mat rial, and certainly they justified their faith in themselves at the General Olympic Gam s in Amst rdam, 1928. The reason th y did not compete in the econd Women's World hampionships \ as that th y' r holding th ir hands
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