Athletics of To-Day for Women
57 to make a big show at Amsterdam, and the reason those second Games were not held at Brussels will be explained later. Some short account has been given already of the develop– ment of women's athletics in weden, but little progress was really made in that country until arrangements were enter d into for a first-class Engli h t am to pay a propaganda visit to candinavia in eptemb r, 1925. :Meeting took place at Gothenburg and Falkenburg, th principal result being given on pages 23 and 24. Happily the w dish girl put up a really good show, which, with the efficiency of their Engli h rivals, aroused the interest of th whole wedish sporting public and the special women's association, called v rige Kvinnliga IdrottsfOrbund, was formed and at once affiliated to the Federation portive Feminine Internationale. Meanwhile the Belgian Association had found itself unable to hold the econd Women's lympiad, whi h had b en allotted to Bru sel for r 26, add d to which the Int mational Amateur Athl tic F deration nd the Int rnati nal lympic ommittee had both taken e~·ception to the worn n's m eting b ing styled " lympic Game ," and th qu stion had arisen of women participating in th g n ral lympic amcs. The ecretariat of the F. . .I. imm diat ly cnl out 1 tl rs to all as ociat d countries asking if any wa in a p iti n to house the econd Women's ame . ot one I th ld r association would und rtak ta k, on account of the insufficiency of time for ad uat pr parati n. ut the wedish As ociati n, after furth r d li ration, tepped into the breach and declared its lf willing to attempt the ta k. Thus it was that a newly form d gov rning body, in it fir t y ar, wa fac d with th h o-fold task of org ni ing th m s and rai ing a r pr ntativ t m of w di h c mp tit r . Th Int rn ti n 1 lympic mmitt , havin y { rt it sole right to th u of th styl lympi am ," the F ..F.I., pending the n xt ongr , r olve t hang th style "Women's Olympic ames " to " econd Int rnational Ladi s' ame ." Later this title was changed to "Women's \V rl am .''
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